tripla Hotel Booking
Deliver the steady booking conversion growth with this booking engine.
Marketing extension and CRM integration.
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Excellent UX/UI

Promise sales growth from direct web site with higher booking conversion rate.

tripla delivers the most simple booking journey which is as easy as OTA to travelers.

Membership & Loyalty

No optional cost required. You can start membership and loyalty program.

Easy to transfer all member data to tripla. With membership, you can start loyalty program.

Marketing Integration

Meta search integration such as Google hotel ad is provided.

Enable to display official direct web site in meta search and to acquire customers from travel curation site via JS.

CRM Integration

Easy to integrate with your CRM because tripla delivers standard API

Analyze customer behavior and take marketing automation action with tripla API.

Solving Booking Engine Issues to Hotels.

tripla Hotel Booking Service is a next-generation booking engine born from the voices of hotels.

  • Reduce fees to OTA and increase your profitability.
  • Easy to register or change plans from CMS.
  • Proactively sell plans to oversea customers.
  • Keep the best rate automatically with price crawling system.
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Emphasized On Operation Excellence Of Hotels With Simple Design

Booking conversion rate is dramatically increased since customer just click 4 times to complete reservation.

A customer can complete the booking in the hotel’s domain (don’t need to visit booking engine domain), therefore CVR increases.

Set up from tripla CMS is simple and easy with SaaS type solution.

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Display Multi-Languages without Difficult Settings.

Key features such as room type, room description, amenities, and plans displayed on the website are automatically translated into English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. If the automatic translation does not meet your intentions, you can manually rewrite the translation.

You can sell a plan by headcount or room charge by language. If you sell a plan with meal, headcount charge is easier for customers.

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Automatic Best Rate Guarantee and Work Like Internal Meta Search.

Best rate guarantee is a key to enhance direct bookings. However, it requires a lot of manual work to pick up the actual OTA price.


With tripla hotel booking, hotels can acquire key OTA plan price and display these price in booking engine automatically. If you set the additional discount like $1, direct booking price can change to $1 cheaper price than OTA’s lowest price.

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Booking Completion in Same Domain Promises CVR Increase.

With traditional booking engine, a customer moves from hotel website to booking engine site which is different domain from hotel URL when s/he books a room.


The customer’s domain transition is bad for customer experience as well as SEO. tripla hotel booking resolves this issue with two types of solutions; widget type or sub-domain type.


For widget type, the hotel has to insert one Java Script code in its web site header. Then, room search calendar pops up in the website.

For sub-domain type, the hotel prepare for one sub domain for booking engine and tripla hotel booking can be shown in the sub domain site.

Hotels can check the reservation conversion as funnel analysis via Google analytics.

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Membership Feature with Loyalty Program.

Hotels can start using the membership feature and loyalty point program once starting tripla hotel booking.


Membership can have multiple ranks such as Gold, Silver, & Bronze. Loyalty points earned rate can be changed based on the rank. The rank is decided by the previous booking records. Member limited plan can be created and member special discount can be set in CMS.


From the CMS, hotel clark can change the customer’s point. This feature is no additional fee and provides as a standard feature.

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Promotion Features to Acquire New Members.

tripla hotel booking prepares for a variety of promotion features.


One of the examples is a member special discount feature. If you set a discount like X% or $Y from plan price, the membership discount price can be shown in the booking screen along with guest price. Most of customers prefer discounted price by registering the hotel membership. Hotels can accelerate the number of members everyday.

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Direct Booking Plan is Displayed on Google Hotel Ads.

In general, 7% of bookings come from Google and 20% come of meta search sites. Customer journey is from Google to OTA and book a hotel. As a result, hotels pay 10-20% of fee to OTAs. OTAs pays fee to meta search.


With tripla hotel booking, hotels can list their official web site plan and price in Google. Hotels can pay the advertisement fee to tripla or Google directly based on CPC or CPA. Even if you haven’t used it, tripla can operate the meta search ads on behalf of hotels.

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Variety of Features Like Extras and Kids Tier are Prepared.

Hotels can sell extra service or product in line with rooms. For example, birthday cake is cross-sell with room plans.


Multiple services or products are able to select with one room plan and customer can select the date when s/he wants to take the service.


Kid’s tier is also set with flexible ways. If a hotel sells room with meals, the hotel can prepare the kid’s meal plan if it uses this feature. Hotels can also prepare the extra baby bed with this feature.

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Competitive Credit Card Fee at 1.8% for Visa, Master, JCB, Amex, Diners.

Credit card payment is the key function to direct booking because it prevents the customer cancellation fees.

With tripla hotel booking, hotels can use the credit card payment fee at a flat rate of 1.8%. VISA, mastercard, JCB, AMEX, Diners are all 1.8%

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Through a discussion via meetings, decide the hurdle rate; room count or past booking count. Then, contract!

Channel Manager

tripla hotel booking prepares with multiple types of integration with channel managers or stand alone.

Set Up

After fed the inventory data from channel manager, set up rooms, plans other setting in tripla.


After launch, whenever tripla releases new features, you can use them with timely manner.

Other Key Features

tripla Hotel Booking releases average 5 new features per month.

Features tripla Hotel Booking
Channel Manager Integration
Inventory and Pricing Management in Booking Engine
Change Reservation
Cancel Policy by Plan
Area Search
Propose Group Hotels If the Hotel is Full
Chatbot Integration
API Integration

Competitive Credit Card Fee at 1.8% for Visa, Master, JCB, Amex, Diners.

Credit card payment is the key function to direct booking because it prevents the customer cancellation fees.

With tripla hotel booking, hotels can use the credit card payment fee at a flat rate of 1.8%. VISA, mastercard, JCB, AMEX, Diners are all 1.8%

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tripla Hotel Booking Price

Initial Cost
$ Free Initial
Base Price
$ 100~ Monthly
Pay for Performance
$ 3% Sales Exceed Threshold

Base Monthly Fee

tripla Hotel Booking Pricing Concept