Inquiry from Customers?
Multilingual concierge on your homepage! AI tool that reduces CS costs and improves services at the same time.
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tripla Applies AI to All Industries.

tripla AI chatbot has been grown in mainly travel industries like hotels. No, we can handle all of industries for AI machine learnings. In addition, using webhook solution, we can integrate with your database.

In-House Developed AI

Providing cutting edge technology to customers. AI machine learning with multiple language.

FAQ Preparation

tripla prepares for FAQ to initial set up and ongoing machine learning maintenance. Easy to start!

Operator  Chat

If AI is not able to reply, the customer inquiry can be passed to your in-house operators. Use as hybrid chat system.

Multi Language

Covers five languages (English, Simplified & Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean) as default.

In-house Developed AI that can be Trained

Many chatbots in the market are hard to say as AI chatbot because they are scenario type or can’t be trained with machines.

tripla develops its own AI engine and provides a service that makes it easy to train AI while operating it. We have achieved the highest quality AI in the industry.

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Reliable Solution WITH  Human Operator

If AI can’t answer or a customer takes action to connect with human operator, the chat inquiry is connected with your company’s human operator. Then, the customer can resolve all of inquiries with quick manner.


The question and answer which human operator handled are trained in the tripla AI, therefore AI can answer the similar question from the next time. You can easily achieve 85% AI response rate within 3 month from tripla start.


For the hotel industry, tripla provides service as human operators with multiple languages. tripla operators reply customers answers within 1 minute.

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Utilize AI Chatbot for Marketing and Promotion Purpose by Integrating with SNS.

Just one click and input simple codes to integrate with SNS which are LINE@ and Facebook Messenger.


After the integration, customers can ask via LINE@ or Facebook Messengers about your service and products. tripla AI chatbot can reply with these inquiries in the SNS chat screen.

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Reduce CS Support Cost with tripla AI Chatbot

tripla AI chatbot contributes the reduction of email and phone call inquiries count from customers. Email has been reduced by about 60% and phone call by 40%.

On the other hand, total inquiries has been up by 20% because it’s easy for customers to ask via chatbot. tripla AI chatbot contributes the customer satisfaction enhancement.

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Replies with Multi Languages

In line with browser or mobile phone setting language, tripla detects the customer’s most appropriate language from English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, or Korean. Customers can start chat with their language.

FAQ by languages are set in tripla CMS. tripla supports FAQ set up and on-going operation, therefore you can start without any manual works.

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One Click Integration with Hotel Booking and Membership.

If you register tripla hotel booking as well, you can integrate your tripla AI chatbot with the booking engine. Through the conversation with customer via chatbot, booking widget pops up if customers want to reserve rooms.


If you manage membership and loyalty program in tripla, you can integrate the membership information with tripla AI chatbot. Customers can register hotel membership via tripla AI chatbot. Then, hotels can send an email with marketing and promotion contents.

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Integration with Your Database via Webhook.

tripla AI chatbot provides webhook to integrate with your database. If you run e-commerce site, it’s more convenient by integrating with your customer, product, and delivery database. When a customer asks you about delivery situation, tripla AI chatbot automatically refer your database and answers the delivery date to your customer without any stress.

tripla has inbound and outbound webhook to integrate various types of usage. Please ask us in detail.

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AI Machine Learning

Through tripla CMS, train your AI by adding phrases which customer asked and achieve 85% AI reply rate within 1 month.

Auto Message Feature

Can set a lot of types of auto messages; email inquiry, frequent question list, picture, menu, phone, question, message, etc.

FAQ Input and Modification

FAQ is categorized by business types. You select one of the business type and fill in the FAQ with multi languages.

Flexible Design Customization

Set up your original icon and text & backend colors from CMS. Adjust the chat icon position by pixel level.

Insert Java Script to Start

Java Script code is published in tripla CMS. You just need to insert it in your home page header.

Timezone Setting

Can select your timezone to record the chat message with customers. CMS is also set with multi languages

Steps to Start tripla AI Chatbot

1. Issue tripla CMS login and pass

In the tripla CMS, you can find the Java Scrip code in setting page. Just copy the code.

2. Insert code in <head> tag.

By opening the HTML editor, insert the Java Script code in the top <head> ~ </head> tag.  Easy to insert to the homepage created by WordPress, WIX, etc.

3. Chat icon pops up in your homepage.

Quick start just by uploading the files in online environment. Change the icon, text color from tripla CMS.

tripla AI Chatbot for Travel Industry

Full Service

tripla operator replies customer inquiries instead of you.

*Request means 1 user session (0:00-23:59).

Initial Cost
Set Up Fee
F ree Initial
Base Price
100 requests support included
$ 250 mth w/ 100 requests
Additional Price
Per +100 requests support
$ 250 100 Requests

AI Limited

tripla supports AI machine learning training.

Initial Cost
Set Up Fee
F ree Initial
Fixed Price
Monthly Fee
A sk Us Monthly

tripla AI Chatbot for All Industries

AI Limited

You can utilize your operator for real time human chat service.

Initial Cost
Set Up Fee & Initial Tuning
$ 3,000 Initial
Small Start
1,000- Monthly Inquiries
$ 1,500 Monthly
Mid Range
5,000- Monthly Inquiries
$ 3,500 Monthly
+5,000 Monthly Inquiries
A sk Us Monthly